Sunday, 5 August 2012

I'm a Secret Olympiad Watcher

For the past many months I have had to endure my partner's rants regarding the London Olympics.  His "observations" (Darling, they are rants!!!) have bemoaned security, finance, travel disruption, elitism and on and on and on, a sharp elbow nudge to awake me from a self-induced coma, has allowed him to further explore the problems of litter, national debt and stress upon the emergencies services etcetera etcetera etcetera.  Are you still awake?  Well, I haven't been. The Twenty-Twelve build-up has been one long snore!  I developed the ability to sleep with my eyes wide open  as his six month monologue lulled me into a lengthy slumber.
So as the holidays were upon us and the athletes were limbering up, I was under the impression that Mr Rantathon would have had a force-field of angry rings around his house to prevent the invasion of any of the Games.  Oh no! No, no, no!
Children all asleep, I walk into the lounge to wish him goodnight.  He raises his eyes from his book and informs me that  he will not be long.  Television is off; doors bolted and windows locked in case of a Team GB invasion.  Unbeknownst to him I walk to the kitchen to grab a glass of water.  Before retiring I think I'll just go and hug that bear of a man who hasn't mentioned the Olympics once today - a mean feat for him. Well let's just say that in our house someone has just won gold for hypocrisy!  I stand in the doorway watching my secret Olympic lover, biting his knuckles and punching the air with delight as he drinks in the men's synchronised swimming highlights!


  1. It is amazing how many former ranters are glued to the television coverage now. At least you didn't say "I told you so!"

  2. It was so tempting but the following day I spent most of it with a pen clipped on my nose pretending to I think my point hit home!

  3. So you'll be looking forward to my telling you all about our days out at the women's volleyball, football and athletics, then. I know, I'll put it at the top of our meeting agenda for first day back. How's that? Enjoy the rest of the holidays!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Have you heard this rant? Why is it our nouns can't stay nouns and our verbs likewise? I used to grimace when our olympic heroes used to talk about 'medalling'. Now, 'podium' has, alas, been 'verbed'. (See what I did there?) So now our British demi-gods are hoping not only to 'medal' but to 'podium'. And how typical that rather than pick on some other poor noun, they have to pollute the language further by committing the treasonable offence of tautology. Because surely when you 'medal' it surely follows that you will 'podium'. But what about this as an idea? After each event has finished, an 'interview sample' is taken (a bit like a urine sample, but less scientific). If our gold medalists fail their main 'interview sample' because they have talked about how happy they are to have 'medalled' and how much they are looking forward to 'ummm...podiumming' then their 'B' sample, an obscure little interview with Toddlepuddleton local radio, is tested. If they fail that, then they stripped of the (definite article) medal and never get the chance to 'podium'. Now...can you shine that silver medal for your other Mr. Rantathon, please?

  6. Can it be true that there are indeed two such ranters living on this world? Enjoy your Twenty-Twelving x
