The twins have refrained from their loud outbursts of tourettes and have resorted to low mumbled mutterings of obscenities due to exhaustion. Why?
Well, one has discovered the Duke of Edinburgh Awards so now has to converse with the elderly and the youth so swearing is off the menu, although, according to him, one of the elderly, he has recently met, has a better knowledge of profanities than he- should I be worried? Can you gain a medal in cursing? If so he would have hit gold already without effort!
The other has joined the cadets and has learnt to march, build camps and polish boots! I offered him all the shoes in the house to clean; suggested he marched the washing upstairs and enquired whether he would like to make the beds. Strangely, he declined as apparently this was against "orders". Not against my orders I insisted and drilled him in the "mummy mafia" way! My "drill" has enabled him to understand how I wish our mess house to look. He is an unwilling student surprisingly. However, Phillip and army may be a distraction but as I pointed out exams are a reality. Gurning is alive and well in my house tonight!
The eldest has surprised me. Always one to follow his own trail, this morning, without complaint nor want, he called from his teenage pit: "Bye Mum have a great day at work!" Initially I was charmed and warmed by a glow of maternal love. However, two blocks down on the Leigh Road, once the wind had lashed me into sense, I thought what has he done or what is he planning to do? Ok, cynical I agree but actually, I think bloody realistic. I almost turned round and pelted back to find out what the blighter was doing. I soldiered (ha) on and this evening was greeted with a list of complaints from said teenager to why exams are unfair, revision sucks and why can't he just "chill". I think not my friend. Clearly whatever he had planned had failed and I was the enemy once more. A position I felt far more comfortable in.
As for the youngest, my sweet, gentle boy, well, he was in a cross country race today - chosen by default- as one of the fastest runners was off sick. He was so proud to have been chosen and I made sure I was there to witness his moment of glory. All began well. The relay began. He was second. He was tagged and he shot off with the wind beneath his feet. I lost track of him as he entered the wood. The hare, a Year 10, appeared first swiftly followed by a young competitor. My son followed soon afterwards and we cheered him on. He was running for dear life and the crowd lifted him. Quick on his tail came another competitor running for victory trying to overtake. My gentle son, lifted by the cheers from his school, decided, in a moment of madness, to offer a sharp backhanded swipe to take out the opposition. Terrible and misguided, I agree. However, my gentle giant clearly thought he was a competitor in 'The Hungergames' as once the runner had regained equilibrium and tried to overtake once more, my boy continued to swerve shift and swipe to ensure a win. I am not convinced the PE department, headmaster and governors were part of "The Capitol". And as a parent I watched in horror.
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